We study the neural bases of cognitive functions such as learning, memory, attention, and perception, taking an interdisciplinary approach to animal models of basic mechanisms and their applications to human mental disorders.

Dynamics of Long-Term Memory Storage and Modification
Memory is not static. When retrieved, information in long-term memory can become destabilized and modifiable. We use a rigorous behavioural approach to study the brain systems and cellular and molecular mechanisms subserving long-term memory storage and modification.

Brain Mechanisms of Object Processing
A major focus of our group is the development of novel tests to probe the neural bases of object memory and perception. For example, we study crossmodal (multisensory), view-invariant, and object category recognition in rats and mice.

Animal Models of Human Disorders
We use various behavioural tasks to study mechanisms of cognitive impairment and the potential for remediation in rodent models of Alzheimer’s disease and schizophrenia.